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This site uses cookies – small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website which offers guidance for all modern browsers

Fastems Cookie policy

In brief

  • We use cookies and other tracking technologies to learn about the use and performance of our website
  • This is done in order to improve the site experience and being able to better market our products and services.


In full

This policy describes the privacy practices of our websites. By “websites” (or “sites”) this description refers to groups of pages within the and .de domains. For our personal data processing practices in general, please see our privacy statement.

We use cookies on our websites to assist us in content personalization, website improvements and development, and to create relevant online marketing activities. When you visit our sites, you agree to the use of such cookies. If you do not want us to place cookies on your devices, we’d advise you to update your browser settings accordingly or use private browsing when visiting our site.


Website personalization and development

The information collected via cookies and other web technologies helps us understand when and how visitors discover, interact with, and leave our websites. We use this information to:

  • improve the visibility and usability of our sites,
  • locate and address technical issues you might experience,
  • deliver customized and relevant content, and
  • direct you to the most relevant localized page or part of page based on geographic IP address.

By default, we do not use cookies to identify the individuals who visit our websites. However, if you have voluntarily submitted your contact information to Fastems e.g. by filling a contact form we may, with your consent, tie your website usage to your individual record using cookies. If the company you represent already has a business relationship with Fastems, this will be combined with the pre-existing information we have about you and the company you represent stored in our Customer Relations Management system and other relevant systems.

We can generate statistics and aggregate reports for internal use, as well as for sharing with Fastems group companies, partners, and subcontractors. Our third-party web analytic providers may also create and publish aggregate reports of the data collected. The statistics and aggregate reports do not contain any data that could be linked to an individual website visitor.



The data we collect via cookies can also be used for marketing purposes. Information about the pages you have visited or the products the company you represent have acquired in the past helps us market more relevant services to you in the future. We also may track your response to our ads in third-party websites or customize ad content.

We do not sell your personal data to third-party advertisers. Information that is not personally identifiable may be shared with our advertising or business partners. They may also use cookies to track what advertisements you have seen and what products or services you appear to be interested in.

Cookies are also used to track your reaction to emails sent to you, so that we know whether we have been successful in relaying the messaging to you.


Opting out

You can discontinue cookie-based data collection at any time, by adjusting your browser settings or opting out on third-party provider pages (see the table below). Do note that some features of our website rely on cookies to function.

Cookie provider Cookie purpose
LinkedIn Providing relevant advertisements
Facebook Providing relevant advertisements
Google AdWords Providing relevant advertisements
Google Analytics Website measuring and improvement